Gamer, jack-of-all-trades, lifelong learner, singer-songwriter...I'm more than just the average bear! Scroll down to find out five things you should know about me.
Go figure! I love playing games and have done since I got to play whatever the first game I got to play was... I think it may have been Pong or one of its variations. I was lucky to grow up as home computers were becoming a thing (yup, I remember the days before the internet!). One of my favourite games, besides Lemmings and Settlers, was Terry Pratchett's Discworld. We didn't have many games back then though. After a while I got a PS1, which was incredible. My favourite games at the time were Dino Crisis and I'm pretty sure Resident Evil.
Fast forward a few years and I built my first PC. That's when I discovered Silent Hill, Final Fantasy, World of Warcraft and The Sims. I loved those days, and I'm not afraid to say that Silent Hill scared me senseless!
My games library has grown substantially over the last few years, with games like The Forest, Fallout 4, Subnautica and Stellaris, to name a few. You'll find that I don't have one favourite game, just different types of games that I like to play when I'm in particular moods. Find out more about what I'm currently playing in my blog.
Ok, not quite the Human League's 'Don't You Want Me', but I did start out working as a waitress. I've since worked in so many different jobs: supermarket, petrol station, bank, charity, advertising company, IT... It's been an interesting career so far! If nothing else, I've learned a lot of skills over the years which, I'm sure, will come in handy in the future.
I have literally been singing for as long as I can remember. Music has always been a really important part of my life. I love singing whenever I get the chance (much to my other half's annoyance), and love doing unusual songs at karaoke. I've tackled some of the more challenging songs over the years, and even managed to take over from a couple of drunk guys who couldn't handle an Eminem track. I was also drunk, but managed to finish the song like a pro! In more recent years I also got into writing my own songs. Maybe I'll let you hear them one day.
I can't even climb a few steps on a ladder without starting to shake. This makes changing the light bulb an impossibility. Oddly, I'm completely OK flying at 30,000 feet.
I'm a bit of a sponge when it comes to learning things. I have this maddening need to know how things work, or how to do things, or even just to know why something is the way it is. I'm inquisitive. I also have an infuriating inability to sit still and do one thing at a time. Learning new things is a great way to kill some time.
There, I think that's a good introduction. Thanks for reading!
Look out for more posts in my blog!