I'm SneakyPeaches and thanks for visiting my website. You'll get to know me better by reading my posts, but here's a little bit about me to get you started.
I once caught myself trying to 'save game' in real life. No joke. That's when I decided I needed to take a little break from gaming. Not too big a break though. I enjoy it way too much.
I don't have any favourite games (or movies, etc.). There's just certain things I like to do when I'm in certain moods. I'm too indecisive for favourites. Except for Deadpool. Deadpool is THE favourite.
I've spent most of my life trying not to be noticed, so this website is an experiment for me to step out of my comfort zone. Hello world!
I love travelling, but really don't get much of a chance to go anywhere. I'd like to change that. There are so many amazing places out there!
Apart from that, I live in sunny (sometimes) Scotland with my fiancee, dog and three cats (I've heard that's the limit before you legally become a cat-lady...).
I hope you enjoy reading my blog, and if you want to get in touch click 'Contact Me' in the menu.