I was meant to get this game as a late birthday present two years ago from my other half. But the reviews were pretty bad, so we decided (well, he decided really) that I wasn't getting it until it was more like the game that they had described.
Two years later and it's here, apparently - and with coop mode.
So my other half and I took advantage of the fact that it was on sale and downloaded the game. We spent a weekend 'testing' it. I think between us we racked up about 20 deaths in the tutorial. I realised quite quickly that this game does not want me to survive. We started on a radioactive planet, scarcely enough resources for the two of us to do the tasks we needed to do and survive. Then, in between the dying from falling off cliffs, low life support and general radiation deaths, I somehow ended up ahead of my other half in the tasks. This caused some kind of glitch and he couldn't progress, so he had to start again and join my game.
He finally caught up and we were ready to leave the planet. We headed for the nearby space station, but as soon as I arrived there, I was attacked by pirate ships with bounties on them. I'm terrible at aiming in shooting games, so I tried to run and hide in the space station. I died.
I ended up back on the radioactive planet with all my stuff broken and had to repair it all, including the ship, before I could take off again. I eventually made it back into space and we decided to go to another planet where we had a quest marker. We made it there in one piece, explored a little, found some interesting stuff and then headed to the space station again.
Luckily, I made it without dying this time, despite being attacked by pirate ships again. The only thing I didn't like was the see-through landing pads. Being terrified of heights transfers into games apparently. I should really upload some videos of me playing games involving heights.
Anyway, we went back down to the planet and started building a habitat. It was going great until I fell through the ground and died from high velocity impact. When I re-spawned, not only was all my stuff broken, but all the valuables and resources I had were gone. That was a kicker!
I had to give up for the night after that. The next day though, I was back, fighting fit and ready to not fall through the ground again. I didn't die again for a long time. We continued the main quest line for a while and eventually reached the part where you have to get antimatter for the warp drive.
We messed this up. We jumped to the wrong system with the only warp drive fuel we had. We thought we'd be able to find some antimatter at a trader or the space station. Unfortunately we'd jumped to a system where there were only two planets, and no sign of antimatter anywhere. After a quick search online, I found that people had spent hours searching for antimatter with no luck. At this point, I restarted with a new character and carried out the main quest until I had the recipe for antimatter. I then collected what I needed to make enough antimatter to give to my other half. He then went out to get the antimatter recipe and I switched back to my original character. When he returned, he gave me some antimatter and the game was saved.
I love playing this game. There's so much to do and explore that it doesn't get boring. Even dying isn't so bad, since we found that you can collect your stuff from the grave marker where you died. The only thing that really infuriates me is the glitches. Some of them are a complete nightmare, and others you just die for no apparent reason. But, overall, I really love playing No Man's Sky. I think they've more or less delivered the game they promised now, but they could really do with making the tutorial clearer, and definitely need to explain the galaxy map a little better.